“Experiencing ‘I Am’s Love-light,
Finding your Life’s Purpose,
Revitalizing In-sight is dedicated to assisting all people to connect with their ‘Great I Am’ center within.

Moses said to the burning bush, “What do I say your name is?” The bush said,
~Exodus 3:13b-14a
האיה – your “essence of being” or “dynamic essence”
The Hebrew word האיה (hayah) means “dynamic essence” or “essence of being.” My heart sang within me as the meaning of these words flowed through my body.
Consider the passage on the “Great I Am” center within each of us in the exchange between Yeshua and Nicodemus in John 3:1-21, “born within to see the ‘Great I Am’s kingdom” “submit to this original creation” “the person who takes shape within” “let Him become a living being” “the breath of the ‘Great I Am’, the Light of ‘Great I Am’” “something you can see and feel” “the Love-light streaming in” “working and living in truth and reality” “welcoming the Love-light” “seeing all this for the ‘Great I Am’-work it is.” Yeshua is trying to help Nicodemus and us to connect to our inner being, our ‘Great I Am’ center.
Do you need help to find
the “Great I Am” center within yourself?
That is what Revitalizing In-sight does.

Richard P. Matthews is a Spiritual teacher who has worked his whole life to help bring others to their ‘Great I Am’ centers within. His meditation classes, which is laid out in THE MEDITATION BIBLE, are an ancient process, which has been lost for many millennia. They create a powerful inner body awareness that stimulate confidence and strength. His classes in breath control will restore your breathing to its natural and centered state and create the most powerful of all mantras. Follow this path, and you are assured of a connection with the ‘Great I Am’ within you.
As an author, Richard has written over 200 short stories in four volumes in the “oral tradition” (stories which are meant to be told not just read). All the stories are great preparation for meditation and meditation groups. His novels are action adventure stories, which show the ‘Great I Am’ at work in our world today. The “Living Bible Stories” ® are a dramatic presentation of Bartholomew and Zacchaeus, which tell the story of their finding a connection with the ‘Great I Am’.
Richard is also a skilled guide, who can help you find the positive thread in the most difficult situations in our troubled world. He considers this as part of his gift from the ‘Great I Am’ and not a skill of his own.

Do you need help to find the "Great I Am" center within yourself?