“The ‘End Time’ is upon us, and it is not just about pollution and climate change. A few authors, like Dan Brown, predict it coming by 2050. But none of these clearly say, How? Who? What? and Why?”
However, author Richard P. Matthews launches the
The (Hayah Series 1)

We see many people connecting with the ‘Great I Am’ within them. We also see the abusive human powers that are leading the human race to their doom in the Middle East. We see the dark side of the Roman Catholic institution as they try to burn Hayah at the stake. We also get to see the miracles that help the connected people to find the Love-light and survive.
“Moses said to the ‘Great I Am’, “What do I say your name is?” the ‘Great I Am’ said, “I-Am-האיה-I-Am.”
~Exodus 3:13b-14a
האיה – your “essence of being” or “dynamic essence”
In (Hayah Series 3) THE LOVE-LIGHT’S POWER
Hayah comes to the Americas, the US, Canada, and Mexico, to spread the Love-light. Slowly the people find the ‘Great I Am’ within themselves and the Love-light grows. Yet the radical right of D. Dump, the Christian Right and the KKK try to destroy the Love-light and wipe them off the face of the earth. Then the Covid-19 pandemic hits. The ‘Great I Am’ within us protects those that connect and helps them see the virus in others and avoid it. Thus, the power of the Love-light grows. Ultimately, Hayah must face all the radicals as they meet to assassinate him.
The final book in the (Hayah Series 4) is THE CRYSTAL CITIES.
Finally, 1% of the human population are connected to the ‘Great I Am’ within them. That means that Love, the second part of the Trinity, comes home again and creation can continue. Thus, the Crystal Cities start to emerge all over the planet. Then a mass migration begins, of all the connected people, to their new home in a Crystal City. Meanwhile, the people of the radical right attack. Who is the radical right? 1 – The wealthy. 2 – The people controlled by their left-brain rational thinking and ego. 3 – The fanatical people lost in Hate and Prejudice. 4 – Those people not connected to the ‘Great I Am’ within them. And 5 – All those living in their Dark Side. They all try to break into the Crystal Cities but fail. They then try to destroy the Crystal Cities in many ways. Ultimately, they resort to an Atomic attack. That is The End of the world as we know it. THE END OF TIME!
All except…

Do you need help to find the "Great I Am" center within yourself?