We need to focus on this connection. Ironically, the animals are now connected and protected while most humans are not. Yet, the animals are trying to help us connect. The problem is that we are destroying the animals faster than they can teach us.
Here you can read all about the new curtain that is opening for the Elephants, the Mountain Gorillas, the Rhinos, the Tigers – and you.
In A New Curtain Opens, you will find a kind and caring old gentleman, Hoss Proxetter, who is the most unlikely super hero named Hayah. His only super power is a shield of Love that boomerangs hateful acts of violence back on the perpetrators. Hayah and the animals choose to connect to the ‘Great I Am,’ just as you can.
Do you want to connect? Then this book will show you how.
Kindle Edition: $0.99; free with the purchase of a print book
Richard P. Matthews is a Spiritual teacher who has worked his whole life to help bring others to their Spiritual Centers and the “Great I Am” within.

Do you need help to find the "Great I Am" center within yourself?