You will meet Agnes, a homeless mom, who scavenges for food and gives most of it away to a poor man who has fallen and injured himself.
You will meet Cory Aquino and learn what the difference is between men and women in politics.
You will meet a professor who proclaims to be an atheist, but when he is challenged by a magician, he ends up discovering the ‘Great I Am’ within himself.
You will find the fairy tale, Warm Fuzzies, where a Wicked Witch tricks a generous and caring community into believing that the magic of the Warm Fuzzies has left the village.
You will discover for the first time in print, the Living Bible Stories, of “Zacchaeus” and “Bartholomew” as they come to life and tell their stories of Jesus.
All the stories in Stories for Your Spirit, Volume IV will awaken you to the ‘Great I Am’ within you and open the path to a joyful journey.
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Kindle Edition: $0.99; free with the purchase of a print book
Richard P. Matthews is a Spiritual teacher who has worked his whole life to help bring others to their Spiritual Centers and the “Great I Am” within.

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