Whether you are just beginning to awaken and consider meditation, or have practiced some form of traditional meditation, or would like to start a meditation group, Revitalizing In-sight offers a variety of workshops geared toward your needs.
The following interactive workshops are all one hour in length and include time for Questions & Answers.

Learning to Meditate
- A unique meditation process
- Learn to listen to your body
- Discover your natural breathing
- Connect with the “Great I Am” within you

Starting a Meditation Group
- How a group enhances meditation
- Recruiting the first five members
- Using the Oral Tradition, a story told not read
- Using story to prepare the Mind for Meditation
- The group meditation agenda
- Finding and training leaders
- The meditation effect
Interested in bringing a workshop to your area? Please contact us now!

Do you need help to find the "Great I Am" center within yourself?